When you begin to read more and more in the way of blackjack tips at Fachai Pro Casino, you’re going to encounter an acronym that may not mean very much to you. It is DDAS, and although it may sound at first like a disease, it is actually something that could be quite good for you.
That’s because DDAS stands for Double Down After Split, which is potentially one of the best options that can be available to you as a player.
Doubling down after splits means just that, literally, when you are dealt a pair, and then split it, there is a chance that when you are then dealt those split cards, you’re going to get a good enough draw that you find yourself in a doubling situation.
You are permitted, under the DDAS option, to place an additional wager, equal to the original, and double the stakes on whichever half of your split you want. In the way of illustration, let’s say you are dealt a pair of sevens and the house has a four showing. According to the Basic Strategy, you would go ahead and split the sevens, and suppose that when you do, you receive a four to the first seven. That would give you a total of 11. Remember that you are instructed, through blackjack tips that outline the Basic Strategy, to double with an 11 against the house’s four.
Therefore, when you are allowed the option of DDAS, you would double your combination against the house.
What’s good about Double Down After Split (which may sometimes be referred to as Double After Split, or DAS) is that it gives you a chance to make good on what shows itself to be an advantageous situation. When you’re splitting, in most cases the house will be showing a “stiff” as the upcard since that is the way the Basic Strategy works, and when you get the chance, you won’t get more money on the table. That’s a quick blackjack tip that goes without saying.
And Double Down After Split is something you really want to have as part of your game – according to various publications, it can add as much as .13% to your advantage, which means a lot in a game where you are playing perfect Basic Strategy just to break even.
You’re going to find that you split pairs more often when you have DDAS available to you, and we certainly advise you to do that as part of this blackjack tip. Specifically, this concerns pairs of 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, and 6’s. When you are allowed to Double Down After Split, you’re going to split 2’s and 3’s when the house has the upcards of 2 through 7.
You’re going to split fours (4,4) when the house shows a 5 or 6, and 6’s are split when the house shows 2 through 6. When DDAS is not available, you will absolutely be splitting less. For example, pairs of 2’s and 3’s are split only when the house shows a 4 through 7 as the upcard; 6’s are split against a house’s 3-6 (rather than 2-6), and 4’s are not split at all. As a blackjack tip, you can’t do much better than to know exactly when to double down after splitting pairs.